“Amen! Come Lord Jesus” Kenneth’s farewell sermon 29th May 2022

May. 29, 2022 by

Sermon at St Michael St Albans Sunday after Ascension 2022 Readings: Acts 16.16-34; Revelation 22.12-21; John 17.20-26 Friends, this morning we reach the final words, the very end of the testimony. With providential timing, our lectionary list of readings has

Jerusalem the Golden

May. 15, 2022 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley for the Fifth Sunday of Easter based on Revelation 21.1-6 St Michael’s church 15th May 2022 History is repeating itself in eastern Europe. Countries which thought that war was a thing of the past are finding

Informal Vacancy Meeting: your chance to shape the next Vicar

May. 12, 2022 by

Following the departure of Kenneth Padley, the Informal Vacancy Meeting is your chance to meet with Bishop Michael and Archdeacon Jane, review the work of St Michael’s and St Mary’s, and together discern aspirations for the next Vicar. 7.30pm on

Annual Report 2021 and papers for Annual Meetings 22nd May 2022

May. 9, 2022 by

The Annual Meetings for the parish of St Michael with St Mary will be held at 10.15am in St Michael’s church (straight after the 9.30am service). Please click here for the Annual Report and Accounts for 2021. Nomination forms are

Sir George Leman Tuthill and the meaning of the empty tomb: Kenneth’s Easter sermon

Apr. 17, 2022 by

Readings: Acts 10.34-43; Luke 24.1-12 Sir George Leman Tuthill was a gentleman of the late Georgian era. He was born in Suffolk and educated in Cambridge. He became a medical doctor and was part of a team which reformed the

Vicar vacancy: early dates

Apr. 4, 2022 by

Here are a few dates for your diary following the appointment of Kenneth Padley as Canon Treasurer of Salisbury Cathedral. · Sunday 29th May – The Padleys will be saying farewell during the 9.30am service in St Michael’s. · Tuesday 7th June

Pilgrimage: outward and inward

Mar. 13, 2022 by

Sermon at St Michael’s St Albans 9.30am 13th March 2022 Readings: Genesis 15.1-12,17-18; Luke 13.31-35 Pilgrimage is a concept with a colourful and sometimes controversial history in the Christian tradition. During the High Middle Ages, shrines such as that of

Faculty Application – choir vestry roof repairs

Mar. 7, 2022 by

NOTICE IS GIVEN that we are applying to the Consistory Court of the diocese for permission to carry out the following: Repairs to Choir Vestry Roof Copies of the relevant plans and documents may be examined here (plans) and here

St Valentine and True Love

Feb. 13, 2022 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley at St Michael’s church, 13th February 2022 It’s all the fault of Geoffrey Chaucer. He is the one we have to thank for Valentine being promoted from one of the most obscure saints on the circuit

Heat in the sod: Sermon for St Stephen’s Day

Dec. 26, 2021 by

by Kenneth Padley in St Michael’s church 26th December 2021 II Chronicles 24.20-24; Acts 7.51-60; Matthew 10.17-22 When I was a child, the King of Bohemia about whom we have just sung cut a sorry sight in my mind’s eye.