Sermon: the faith of Abraham

Feb. 27, 2018 by

Sermon by Liz Warren 25th February 2018 Genesis 12.1-9; Hebrews 11.1-16   May I speak in the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen First of all I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for

Sermon: the wedding at Cana

Jan. 29, 2018 by

Revd John Hayton Epiphany 4 Yr B. 28th January 2018. [Gn14: 17-20].  Rev 19: 6-10. Jn 2: 1-11 The wedding at Cana, understandably, takes pride of place in Anglican and I guess other Christian wedding liturgies.  But to see it

Jesus’ strapline: The Kingdom of God

Jan. 21, 2018 by

Sermon for the Second Sunday after Epiphany          2018.1.21 Jonah 3.1-5,10; I Corinthians 7.29-31; Mark 1.14-20 Kenneth Padley   The best adverts have the most memorable straplines. There are dozens of these phrases that immediately call to mind a product

Sermon: Dreaming of a white Christmas? Think again!

Sermon: Dreaming of a white Christmas? Think again!

Dec. 24, 2017 by

Sermon for Advent IV; 2017.12.24; Kenneth Padley   Are you dreaming of a White Christmas? Two Sundays ago those who battled through the blizzard conditions arrived at church in a winter idyll, the snow as deep and crisp and even

Sermon: ‘Mark’ and his ‘gospel’

Sermon: ‘Mark’ and his ‘gospel’

Dec. 10, 2017 by

For those snowed in, here’s this morning’s effort!   Mark 1.1-8 10th December 2017 Mark’s ‘gospel’ Kenneth Padley   Nineteen hundred and fifty years ago a writer sat down to write. We don’t know where the writer was writing. We

Sermon: what are angels? – and what they are not!

Oct. 1, 2017 by

Revelation 12.7-12; Hebrews 1.5-14; John 1.47-51 Patronal Festival 1st October 2017 Kenneth Padley   About fifteen months ago I noticed a significant increase in the number of people walking through St Michael’s churchyard. What was this new phenomenon? Was it

Sermon: does religion make us better people?!

Sep. 18, 2017 by

Ezekiel 33.7-11; Psalm 119.33-40; Romans 13.8-14; Matthew 18.15-20 17th September 2017 Kenneth Padley   Does religion make us better people? There are many in society who doubt or dispute this claim. And yet this morning’s readings all presume it, firmly

Bishop Alan’s Urgent Appeal for Hurricane Victims

Sep. 8, 2017 by

Urgent Appeal for Hurricane Victims Bishop Alan has issued this urgent message for parishes in St Albans Diocese, this morning, 8th September. “You will have seen reports in the media about Hurricane Irma and the devastation caused across the Caribbean

Sermon on Conflict 3rd September 2017

Sep. 4, 2017 by

Jeremiah 15.15-21; Romans 12.9-21; Matthew 16.21-28 Kenneth Padley   Alongside the selection of hymns which I give to couples preparing for marriage, I carry an unwritten list that I prefer them to avoid. I’m thinking here about ‘Dear Lord and

An Evening of Words & Music – Saturday 2nd September, 5pm onwards, entry £5 on the gate

An Evening of Words & Music – Saturday 2nd September, 5pm onwards, entry £5 on the gate

Aug. 31, 2017 by

Bob and Wendy May invite you to their beautiful garden (Hogg End, St Albans, AL3 6RE). Music from Bill Iden Quartet, featuring our own Cornelia Lawrence, and readings from poet John Mole and Friends. Entry £5 on the gate (children