Posted by on September 8, 2017

Urgent Appeal for Hurricane Victims

Bishop Alan has issued this urgent message for parishes in St Albans Diocese, this morning, 8th September.

“You will have seen reports in the media about Hurricane Irma and the devastation caused across the Caribbean which has badly affected parts of our companion diocese of North East Caribbean and Aruba, in particular the islands of Barbuda and St Martin.

If you wish to give emergency aid you can send it directly to the Red Cross appeal which you will find on their website or directly via this link,

If you wish to give to the diocese for the rebuilding of churches vicarages and grants to parishioners who have been injured, please send your money to Holywell Lodge, marked ‘Hurricane Irma Appeal,’ cheques made out to ‘St Albans DBF’.

Bank transfers may be made to:

Sort Code:  20 74 09
Account No: 20776041
Reference: 2210102 Hurricane Appeal

The address for Holywell Lodge is

Holywell Lodge

41 Holywell Hill

St Albans AL1 1HE

Posted in: Special Events