“I’ve upped my giving – up yours!”

Nov. 17, 2019 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley for the annual Giving Campaign and launch of the Parish Giving Scheme. Friends, as we head towards the end of the Church year, and before we dive once more into the delights of Advent and Christmas,

Resurrection Hope

Nov. 3, 2019 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley All Saints Commemoration of departed loved ones 2019.11.3 Readings: Isaiah 25.6-9; Romans 8.9-11 I want to begin by really commending you for coming to this service tonight and for reflecting together on death and bereavement. I

Angels ascending and descending

Sep. 30, 2019 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley for St Michael’s Patronal Festival Communion 29th September 2019 Readings: Revelation 12.7-12 and John 1.47-51 I went to Vicar school in a place called Cuddesdon. Cuddesdon is the Church of England’s version of Hogwarts. It is

Eeyore, Education, and St Albans Cathedral Study Centre

Sep. 23, 2019 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley in St Albans Cathedral 22nd September 2019 during the Presentation of St Albans Study Centre certificates Psalm 128, Ezra 1; John 7.14-36 Faith and learning The children’s author AA Milne was an acute observer of human

God of wrath and God of mercy: is there a Jekyll and Hyde aspect to the Almighty?

Sep. 15, 2019 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley at St Michael’s church 15th September 2019 Readings: Exodus 32.7-14; I Timothy 1.12-17; Luke 15.1-10 The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a dystopian tale by the nineteenth-century novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. In

“No one is too Small to make a Difference”: St Bartholomew

Aug. 25, 2019 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley in St Michael’s St Albans 25th August 2019 Saints of God! Lo, Jesu’s people Age to age your glory tell; In his name for us ye laboured, Now in bliss eternal dwell. Twelve poor men, by

Providence and Joseph in Egypt

Jul. 22, 2019 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley for Evensong on 21st July 2019 in St Michael St Albans Psalm 81; Genesis 41.1-16, 25-36; I Corinthians 4.8-13 Who would have thought that ancient economics could make such a gripping story? Genesis 41 begins with

God calling

Jun. 30, 2019 by

Sermon for Petertide by Kenneth Padley (All Age Service 30th June 2019) Reading: Luke 9:57-62 People have always called and been called. Long before the telephone was invented, calls were made – including calls to and from God. God called

Clothed with Christ: Alban and all the Saints

Jun. 23, 2019 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley in St Michael St Albans for 23rd June 2019 Baptism of Maximilian Ridley-Holloway Readings: Galatians 3.23-29; Luke 8.26-39 ‘As many of you as are baptised into Christ have been clothed with Christ’ (Galatians 3.27). I suspect

It’s all about the cross: sermon by Kenneth Padley

Apr. 7, 2019 by

Lent 5 2019: Philippians 3.4-14; John 12.1-8 It’s all about the cross. The suffering and death of Jesus is the obvious theme of this season of Passiontide. Not everyone gets this. There was a notorious case five years ago when