The existence and nature of God

Feb. 24, 2019 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley on Revelation 4 and Luke 8.22-25 St Michael St Albans 24th February 2019 What on earth are we to make of the whacky passage which we have just heard from Revelation chapter 4?! The book Revelation

Sermon: generosity and novelty – the wedding at Cana

Jan. 21, 2019 by

Why did he do that one? Of all the many exciting things that Jesus got up to, the transformation of water into wine during the wedding at Cana is a tricky miracle to get our heads around. It is not

What is the peace of Christmas? – sermon by Kenneth Padley

Dec. 30, 2018 by

The subject of peace often emerges at this time of year, as politicians and pundits review the twelve months that have passed, and as preachers and perfectionists point to the holy baby as a sign of hope and change. Ours

Halloween nonsense and the significance of All Saints Day

Nov. 5, 2018 by

Sermon at the Commemoration and Thanksgiving for the Departed in St Michael’s church, 4th November 2018 Readings: Isaiah 61.1-3, Revelation 7.9-17   One of the delights and worries of living in a Vicarage is that you’re never quite sure what

Animals in War Sermon – Animal Service -16th September – Kenneth Padley

Sep. 16, 2018 by

Isaiah 11.6-9   World War One will receive a high public profile over the next two months as we head towards the centenary of the close of that most horrific conflict. Last Saturday and Sunday, St Mary’s sister church, St

Salvation – Trinity 16 – Sermon – Kenneth Padley

Sep. 16, 2018 by

Mark 8.27-38   Salvation! It’s a major theme in the Christian tradition – but perhaps not one we talk about enough here at St Michaels and St Marys. We preach quite a bit about Jesus’ teaching and miracles, and the

Jesus as Bread of Life: Sermon by Kenneth Padley

Aug. 5, 2018 by

Exodus 16.2-4, 9-15; John 6.24-35 St Michael’s AL3 4SL; 5th August 2018   Ten years ago a legal battle broke out among members of Sixties boyband Procul Harum. The dispute concerned copyright of their most famous song A Whiter Shade

Stories within stories

Jul. 9, 2018 by

Stories within stories: Mark 5.21-46 St Michael’s AL3 4SL 1st July 2018   Sometimes we find two stories talking to one another. Having recently passed the longest day, I was reminded of an example from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Within

Easter Folly

Apr. 1, 2018 by

Easter Sermon by Kenneth Padley Acts 10.34-43; I Corinthians 15.1-11; Mark 16.1-8   I want to say a huge welcome to this most jolly of feasts: Happy April Fools’ Day! Doubtless you will have seen spaghetti growing on the trees

What is Jesus overthrowing today?

Mar. 26, 2018 by

Sermon for Palm Sunday by Kenneth Padley Matthew 21.12-17 Overturning the tables   Loads of churches go on procession on Palm Sunday. Many churches have a donkey on Palm Sunday. Not many churches can recreate the route which Jesus took