The existence and nature of God

Feb. 24, 2019 by

Sermon by Kenneth Padley on Revelation 4 and Luke 8.22-25 St Michael St Albans 24th February 2019 What on earth are we to make of the whacky passage which we have just heard from Revelation chapter 4?! The book Revelation

Putting out into deep water

Feb. 18, 2019 by

10.02.19, Fourth Sunday before Lent Putting out into deep water Luke 5:1-11 I wonder, what goes through your mind when you’re starting off something new – when putting it together; the things you need to consider? If you’re a gardener,

Education Sunday – address in St Michael’s on 27th January 2019 by Caroline Godden, Adult Learning Officer, St Albans Cathedral

Jan. 29, 2019 by

Education Sunday at St Michael’s Church Nehemiah 8.1-3, 5-6, 8-10 I Corinthians 12.12-31a Luke 4.14-21 Thank you all so much for having me here today, it’s a real pleasure to be here with you, to join your worship with you,

Sermon: generosity and novelty – the wedding at Cana

Jan. 21, 2019 by

Why did he do that one? Of all the many exciting things that Jesus got up to, the transformation of water into wine during the wedding at Cana is a tricky miracle to get our heads around. It is not

What is the peace of Christmas? – sermon by Kenneth Padley

Dec. 30, 2018 by

The subject of peace often emerges at this time of year, as politicians and pundits review the twelve months that have passed, and as preachers and perfectionists point to the holy baby as a sign of hope and change. Ours

Spending time with the prophets – sermon for Advent II – Charles King

Dec. 19, 2018 by

Sermon at 0930 service on the second Sunday in Advent, 9 December 2018 Reading: Luke 3:1-6 Spending time with the prophets On this second Sunday in Advent our focus is drawn towards the Prophets. Last Sunday it was the Patriarchs,

Remembrance Sunday sermon – Charles King

Nov. 20, 2018 by

Sermon at All Age Service on Remembrance Sunday, 11 November 2018 Reading: Matthew 5:43-48 Love for enemies When I moved to St Albans, I was fascinated to notice the small war memorials in certain streets. Do you know the ones

All Saints Day sermon – John Hayton

Nov. 12, 2018 by

All Saints. 2018. Yr B. Rev 21: 1 – 6a.  Jn 11: 32-44  You will have noted that today we are celebrating “All Saints” and not “All  Souls.  The reason is that Kenneth thinks it is more important to concentrate 

Halloween nonsense and the significance of All Saints Day

Nov. 5, 2018 by

Sermon at the Commemoration and Thanksgiving for the Departed in St Michael’s church, 4th November 2018 Readings: Isaiah 61.1-3, Revelation 7.9-17   One of the delights and worries of living in a Vicarage is that you’re never quite sure what

‘Living Stones’ – Trinity 22 sermon, Charles King

Nov. 3, 2018 by

28.10.18, Trinity 22, 09:30 service Simon and Jude, Apostles Isaiah 28:14-16 Ephesians 2:19-22 John 15:17-27 Living stones If you look around the outside of St Michael’s, you’ll see at each corner a series of staggered stones, laid on top of