Posted by on November 5, 2020

Mission and Community Committee would like to encourage as many people as possible to turn their creative hands to helping decorate St Michael’s for this special time. The aim is threefold:

(i), we would love to have a Christmas pop up shop in St Michael’s church during Advent. If you have anything Christmassy to sell with donations going to church, please drop into the boxes marked “shop” at the back of St Michael’s during November. It could be Christmas plants, decorations or cards you have made, or small gifts you think might be useful as stocking fillers, anything you think others might like.

(ii), we would also like to make a welcoming arch around the main door, adorned with Poinsettias, Christmas Roses, Holly and Ivy made of whatever takes your fancy! You can knit, or crochet, use paint, tissue paper or tin foil whatever you choose. There will be some patterns left at the back of St Michael’s should you wish to use a template, but otherwise let your imagination take you! 

(iii), We would also love it if people, particularly children, would decorate a bauble so we can hang them on the church Christmas tree. 

Boxes are at the back of St Michael’s to collect the fruits of your labours for all the above so please, get creative! Significant donations will be put in a safe place when the church is locked at the end of each day.

Posted in: Special Events